Monster You Made Us

Monster You Made Us...

I try to understand what happened,
If anything went wrong,
What can I do?
If anything...

What a shame
You and I
Once great friends…
Always loved you…
Still do…
But do you to me?

You could tell when I was down,
I could tell when you were upset,
You brought out the best in me,
I made sure to bring a smile to you face,
You stood up for me,
I stood up for you,


Friends of friends
Made us who we are
Left and right
No tellin’…
How it;
Impacted us
Changed us
If it was
For better
For worse…

New friends brought us apart,
School moved us even more apart,
Confusion sets in…
What happened…?
Are we friends?
Or are we enemies?

I still want to say we are friends,
Try so hard,
Not to get jealous...
Try so hard,
To stay positive...

Time can only tell...