Dancing in the Dark

Laying in my yard consumed by the dark
I look up at the stars surrounded by wonder
Feeling like I just woke for a deep slumber
Leaving behind the jungle of concrete
Trading the hard streets for the soft grass
Forget the illusion of freedom it a mirage
Society traps us with its invisible bars
Large city are like fences hold you back
Pollution in the air gives people asthma attacks
We’re all trapped in a rat race for cash
But we never take the time to appreciate nature
Yet we have time to appreciate each other’s furniture
I’m leaving that behind and embracing Mother Earth
Embracing the light of the moon illumining my face
As grass pokes my back holding me up like a million hands
I’m grass surfing under the moon light
Here I’m at peace do you understand
In the arms of nature and this land
On the outside I’m calm as a basking shark
But on the inside I feel like dancing in the dark