Rescue This Dying World.

This is where we live;
A world of beautiful monsters, filled full to the brim.
Broken hearts crowned with paper needles,
Water bleeding out of tiny, cracked veins
And crystal tears falling from hollow, porcelain eyes.

Broken angels fell from the sky,
And walked among this sorrow-filled Earth,
Leaving behind stained footprints, stained by the vile sins.
Sins left by the screaming demons, thieves of happiness.
Monsters who bore nightmares and terrors to twist the mind.

Who will bright the light back?
Fill the dry bones with warmth.
Drive away the dark and bestow light.
We're screaming out; begging for a Savior.

But here and now..
Rescue is but a dream.
A dark cloud hanging over your head.

Darkness has descended.
And the light will never return.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this during Religion Studies today's kind of random.