The Blame

Do you think this is all a game?
You should be put to shame!

For all those things I've been through
You never cared..... I blame you.

I blame you for making me cry.
You don't even answer when I ask why.

I blame you for taking my heart.
I blame you for torturing it and tearing it apart.

I want you out of my life and out of my heart.
Don't ask me anything. Don’t even start.

Now I've found someone who cares about me.
Makes me laugh and cry about thee.

They don't care what other people think.
They always help me when my thoughts make me sink.

This one person makes me not care about what you say.
This person keeps me going every day.

I wish this person could see the shame. So this is why you're to blame.
The shame coming from you, you're who's to blame.