You And I

You told me that no mater what i ever did, nothing would ever make you stop loving me
I told you so much about me, so many secrets and thing's i've kept hidden, i thought for sure you'd leave
You told me you love me no matter what
I told you we needed to break up for a while so i could straighten out my life
You told me you would stand by me through it all

You saw me at my worst, and still decided to stay
I saw you struggle, and i thought it was because of me
You saw me once, and you've been under my spell ever since
I saw you once, and knew you would fit into my life some how, some way
You saw me for 2 hours, and you believed that i truly love you
I saw you for 2 hours, and i believed that you too truly love me

You are here when i need someone
I am here when you need someone
You are in love with me
I am in love with you
You are mine Forever and Alway's
I am yours Forever and Alway's
Short and simple