Knowledge is Power

Come and take a ride through my mind
What you’ll find is a rat race for knowledge
Not what you learn in college but what you learn from yourself
What helps you get through life in this cold world
It helps you get through this living hell
A child dies of hunger every four seconds
Yet we still have enough food for seconds
Try to give a bit back and stop chasing cash
Cuz life is much more than that
What good does money do when you’re dead
The concept of wealth is screwing with your head
True wealth is the content of your brain
Not your wallet or how much money you bank account contains
Knowledge is a power way bigger that monetary wealth
Lies surround society like the asteroid belt
But I’m reading between the lines
My rhymes will help you break through your confines
And to those who try to hold the righteous back
I got no love for you cowards
I’ll keep searching for the truth because knowledge is power