To Someone I Really Love and Miss

I've decided that the only way to get rid of all this pain,all this sadness is to run away and never come back.But then there are those that you can listen to over and over.They just want to make you cry.Everything that's happening,this stress is freaking me out.My soul,the inside of it.It's full of darkness.Why am I stuck in this depressing world.It's so hard to deal with the fact that you're gone.I love you so much,but now you're gone.I've lost all hope and have become suicidal.It seems this pain is my only friend.I can't take it any longer.My heart,it's so fragile that it seems it won't heal.I can't leave the past.I'm feeling so lonesome,so sad now that I'm without you.I've become a nothing.I am lost in a world of darkness.My heart is yearning.It is searching,screaming for you.You were the angel that light up my heart,that brought me happiness.But now these angels have come to say that you're gone forever,that you won't be in this world.That I should see you maybe one day..on the other side too.I love you.I know you'll be waiting for me,to join you.But I feel like I can't be in this cruel world anymore.I just can't handle it anymore.I just want to give up.I'm so powerless,weak.I just don't want to be in this world without you.I miss you.But I have to live out my like you wanted me too.Because when I leave this world of darkness and join you on the other side me and you yes just me and you will be together again.We will be going on adventures together just like we planned.That day will be the happiest moment of my life.When me and you see each other again.I love you so much my love.I cannot wait to see you again.I miss you.......