Too much

Am I really that bad of a person?
You have to take it a step further.
How am I hard person to face?
I'm open to talk to you.
How could I not blame you at the time?
It wasn't only you but your friend too.
Do you think I could just sit there and become a stuck up bitch?
No. You wanted me to, but I'm not like you.. All the time.
Am I the person you blame everything on?
I believe so. You make it seem like everything is wrong with me.
Am I really that easy to hate?
First Callie, now all your friends who think your so perfect.
I have my faults too, please don't point them out.
Do you really think your not a murderer?
I blamed you of course, but do I now?
No. I don't - can't - blame a person that Tobi didn't.
I don't know why you think I'm such a horrible person.
What did I do wrong to you?
What did I do wrong to God?
What did I do wrong to everyone?
What did I do so horrible that caused me so much pain?
What did I do wrong to make Applejack so hurt?
What did I do that caused me depression?
Why am I crying?
I don't deserve this, but of course someone has to prove me wrong.
What did I do that made God hate me so much?
What caused my heart to fail on me?
What caused me to be so ugly?
What cause?
What did I do?
Why am I?
Most importantly…
Who am I to someone that can't even say sorry to me?
Did I really mean so much to you?
DId I really mean so little to you?
I'm hurt.
I don't think I'll ever cry so much in my life ever again.
I've shed my share of tears.
But haven't I also had my fair share of pain?
♠ ♠ ♠
All true...