Guardian Angel from a distance

well no one knows her pain
no one takes the time to look behind and see...

what hurts her
what haunts her
what makes her lay awake in the dark

people see someone who's hurt and walk by thinking
to themselves "what's wrong with her"

If only they knew what happened to the girl behind the mask

her pain fills her with dark thoughts about herself

She never knew that the good thing about her was still there

But not stolen from her because the man could never take them from her

he took the gift that can't be returned
and she can't stop blaiming herself

true the girl was gone
but the other ones were...still in her heart, they were all that any good man would want

and it isn't her fault that he took her gift and didn't care for it.

She's not whole anymore

she's more

who is this man who stays at a distance?

The man who sees her as she was and still is so.
he knows that she is broken inside and hides it well

But she has no idea that with the devil in this world...
there are guardian angels to help and listen to her...