
Harmless fun;
That's all you would be.
All you should be, anyway.
Would that be all I would be
For you?

Who cares anyway?
I'd have you,
In some sense.
That'd be enough for me.

Or would it?
God no.
Or yes?
I don't even know.

You're in my head now,
Confusing my dreams
And throwing my thoughts
Into disarray.
That's not fair.

And you make it so hard
For me!
You're in my face
As well as my head.
How is that fair?

So many questions,
I know,
But without answers.
I keep asking myself them,
And coming up blank.

I come up short
To all of your previous;
Just, nothing special.
It makes me want to scream.

All I think about
Is my hands in your hair
My lips on yours
Your hands everywhere.
I want you so much.

Nothing will ever happen;
It's just harmless teasing
That'll lead nowhere.
But I want you to stop
But I don't.

This isn't fair
And you know it.
You know you're gorgeous
And so do I.
Stop leading me on...

Even though I love it.