She Exists; Find Her.

I’d given up on finding her,
She doesn’t exist,
In my mind, she dances;
She sings; she’s alive.
But, she doesn't have a face.
I was told not to give up,
To hope and to pray,
Because, in every ocean:
There exist the storms,
The tragedy and the sorrow
But on a summer’s day,
It shines; she shines.
Impossible to see with the naked eye,
Yet, if you look close, closer,
You see her in her beauty,
You can feel her thoughts,
Hear her unspoken words.
I took up my search, once more.
I opened my heart to the sea,
Only to find her staring,
Staring into my soul,
“I’ve found you!” I cried.
To which she replied:
“I’ve been her all along,
You just didn’t know:
How to find me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think that a lot of people can relate to this.
The background is: You know the sea is there, you can see it. You can't see it's true beauty because all you see are the storms and the bad things. You have to open your eyes and then you can realise that maybe, "the sea", the person stood before you is your soul mate.