
The walls are closing in.
The air feels thin.
I can’t seem to breathe without what we had.
Our fingers were intertwined.
Our hearts met that night.
The gentle kiss changed who I was to who I am.

But the night will fall away.
The romancing will cease.
The gentle kiss won’t stay lingering.
Our conversations will drift away.
I’ll be a what’s her name.
But until then let’s remember:

The cool breeze that June night.
The way we felt under the colored lights.
The taste of lips in haste-less kiss.
We set the night on fire.
The magic in the atmosphere.
The feeling of just being there.
The spontaneous one night romance.

It’s really been a while.
Then I see your loving smile.
And I’m back in yesterday.
It felt so right.
We fit so perfectly.
I can’t forget who you are to me.

That night fell away.
The romancing ceased.
But that gentle kiss still lingers on my lips.
We still talk every day.
You still know my name.
I hope you remember:

The cool breeze that June night.
The way we felt under the colored lights.
The taste of lips in haste-less kiss.
We set the night on fire.
The magic in the atmosphere.
The feeling of just being there.
The spontaneous one night romance.

I know that we’ll never get it back.
No matter how many times I wish.
I could ask a thousand ways and still miss you.
I figure I should just move on.
But something holds me back.
I can’t forget:

The cool breeze that June night.
The way we felt under the colored lights.
The taste of lips in haste-less kiss.
We set the night on fire.
The magic in the atmosphere.
The feeling of just being there.
The spontaneous one night romance.

I want to relive us.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just needed to get it out in the open somehow..