In a dream

Atop a bed of roses
Lied a girl who was sleeping soundly
A butterfly rested on the back of her hand
Trying its very best to wake her up.

She still stayed there,
Enjoying the silence, the darkness.
She didn’t, couldn’t wake up
She was in a beautiful, magical dream.

She didn’t want to wake up at all.

It was a favorable dream she longed to see.

She wanted to treasure it.

And in this dream she could see
Herself walking up the steep staircase
Up and up and up;
An infinite, endless stairway to heaven.

She longed to be here.

Walking up these white steps.

She wanted to see who controlled the world.
Controlled everything.
Controlled life.
Controlled her.

To meet that one person.
One immortal.


Does he exist?

And now she wanted to know.

She wanted to ask that question herself.

To see is to believe, that’s what they all say.

But really, is that all true?
She never knew.
This was a moment of truth.

A revelation.

To know and to see if God did exist.
Did watch over us.
Did bless us.
Did love us.

But she couldn’t seem to see Him.

Everything seemed nothing.

Where was God?

Then when she blinked her eyes open all of a sudden,
she was back to Earth.

She felt the soft petals of the pink roses underneath her
And see the bluest of the blue skies above her.

When she brought her head up,
she saw a something fly and vanish into thin air.

She pondered in thought for a moment.

What was that?

Could that have been God?
God, who, had visited her from heaven and traveled all the way here just to see her?

She didn’t get to meet Him.

She had so many things to say.

Yet, He left her without a single word.

She just wanted to tell Him something.

To tell Him that she was thankful.

Thankful for giving her a chance to live.