
Light filtered the room, darkness disappearing at once
Waking up the boy who, had been asleep for more than a decade
He squirmed in his sleep and struggled to lift a heavy eyelid
After a long time, seeing his own reflection in a mirror.

He put a hand to his face
To feel how it was to be alive once again,
to know what life is all about once again.
He wanted to feel every little thing.

He didn’t know himself.
No, he couldn’t remember.

He was lost.

He touched his eyes, his nose, his lips
And held his neck.

For once in a lifetime, he felt that he needed to die.

He didn’t need to live again.

No, not now.
Not at all.

But he couldn’t bring himself to do anything.

To stop himself from breathing.

He was revivified.
A new life.
Born once again.

Now, he had a choice;
to either live out his life to the best,
or maybe, just maybe.

Vanish from this miserable world.

He didn’t like that.
He didn't want that.

He needed to know what was happening.

Know his surroundings;
the white walls,
the white floor,
the white ceiling,
the white light,
the white mirror,
the white gown he wore.

Know himself more.
His likes, his dislikes.
His dreams, his goals, his ambitions.
His problems, his successes.

Know life itself.

He wanted to breathe life in – to understand it more.

Life was just something he never understood.
Blurry, unclear.
So he had another chance to experience it once again.
Yes, once again.

He was back.

He was alive.

And he had another life to live.