
A slow agony within my heart as I grasp for love.
The constant fear of losing myself if I go any further.
Twisted between desires of happiness that can back fire to failure.
A pounding feeling within my chest that can save me or kill me.
Silent cries within my soul to the frustration of this series of partnership.
Having your body torn in half by what your feeling and what your thinking.
A black shadow covers your eyes not knowing where you’re going.
You can’t sniff it out because it’s no scent to smell, you can’t taste it, because there’s nothing to taste but air.
You can’t reach for it, because it’s not small enough to hold.
The only light you have is your heart, and sometimes it chooses the wrong way to go.
You can’t ask for help, because some whispers are false.
If you sit back and weight it, when it comes to love it’s a cost.
The cost of keeping your sanity or making you crumble to the lowest.
A moment of serenity that can be fragile to one wrong movement.
Your mind and heart are set for futuristic scenery due to the time.
Wanting nothing but security, but sometimes that can be a crime.
Wanting to never open that box again, but some how it manage to happen.
Wondering why you can’t avoid it, is it something I’m lacking.
You can’t blame any one, not even yourself, And that’s a reason to laugh.
Because no matter whom you are, L.O.V.E will always have a way to catch your ass.