We're Here For You

You're lost in you own mind, you're addiction is a lie
Instead of giving into drugs, it's ok to break down and cry.
Remember I'll stand by your side through thick and thin
Relapses do happen time and time again
You do have a support system so pick up the phone
You'll always have help, you're never alone
Don't let peoples lies ruin your determination
Instead use it against them for extra motivation
To stay clean and sober is always a fight
You got to dig down deep, battle with all your might
You can do this little buddy I know that you can
I promise no matter what, by your side I will stand
Just relax and keep calm, everythings fine
Recovery comes, one day at a time.
♠ ♠ ♠
then he wrote, We'll always love you and stand by you. Everything you're going through I've been through and more, so just remember if your feel like using or just need to talk, Im always here. I love you