The Fight

Pain, tests, trials and tribulation,
I fight so hard with so much desperation,
Life's not a beach, it's no fuckin vacation,
Who needs to go to hell I've created my own damnation.

I've been a slave to my emotions for 14 plus years,
I've given in to my anger, and I've shed countless tears,
I've been so depressed I didn't want to awake,
I've been through some shit I'm surprised I could take.

Some people don't understand some of the crazy things I've done,
But I did what I did to cope there was nowhere to run,
I've changed so much now I'm a whole new guy,
I no longer give my family any reasons to cry.

I'm finally becomming the man I've always wanted to be,
Today my dad can tell me he's actually proud of me,
That makes me so happy I cant even describe,
I thank God and my angels for every day I'm alive.