
We spent alot of time together when I was a kid,
I wanted to grow up and do the things that you did.
I wanted to be just like you in every way,
I want to still to this very day.
You taught me how to be a carpenter, and how to hunt and fish,
You taught me alot of things, way to much to list.
You loved to watch me play baseball, and loved to watch me bowl,
You're one of the best guys the world's ever seen, you always had a pure soul.
One of our favorite things on t.v was profeesional rodeo,
I cherish all the memories I have more than anyone will know.
One of your favorite things to do was plant alot of flowers,
Hardly anything kept you inside, not even rain showers.
Spending time with you and grandma was one thing I always loved,
But only 23 short years together, just wasn't enough.
Sometimes I can still hear you call out my name,
Every day without you just isn't the same.
You've witnessed first hand some of the stupid things I've done,
But you'd always tell me "it's ok, I'll always love you son."
The best thing I can do that'll make me overly glad,
Is to become the calibur of man like you and my dad.
The day of your funeral, I reached down and grabbed your hand,
I bent over and kissed you and said "goodbye, I love you superman."
♠ ♠ ♠
I love and miss you so much grandpa