Best You Can

Show your spirit!
Show your strength!
Show your true power!
Show your wisdom!
Show your true self!
Be the best you can,
For our time is here!

Don't give them what they want!
Don't give up!
Don't give them the satisfaction!
Don't let yourself fall!
Don't let yourself become weak!
Be the best you can,
For our time is now!

Let you be heard!
Let you be free!
Let you have the strength to continue!
Let you have the courage to act!
Let you be your own person!
Be the best you can,
For our time has come!

Give your best!
Give your heart!
Give your all in any challenge!
Give your friends your thanks!
Give your family your love!
Be the best you can,
For the game has just begun!
♠ ♠ ♠
Needed a pick-me-up.
Hopefully it does the same!