
I wake up from my sleep that I thought was reality.
Only to find out that the emptiness I have in this world still exist.
I hear the clock ticking, which mean the day still moves on.
Even if I feel like it stops from the depression I have inside.
The world is moving to fast for me to grasp what’s important to me.
I wonder is there any body in this world that was born, just for me.
I see others laughing from joy, when I feel like shit.
I see others with no worries, when I want to call it a quit.
My hope and enthusiasm is gone, and I don’t want to live.
Doing the same daily crap, that frustrates me and makes me cry like a little bitch.
Talking is useless cause it doesn’t help my situation.
Wanting to know when I can get a break because I’m still waiting.
Waiting for that piece that’s missing, that will make me feel complete.
Coming to the conclusion I have no one but me.
My conclusion is repeated, as I wake back up to stare at the same clock.
I can’t take it no more I’m hurting, while sitting back in my bed to take my last breath, click click boom! There goes a shot