Don't care

Call me names.
I don't care.
I think they're funny.

My hair looks weird?
Thanks for noticing.
I didn't brush it this morning.

My shirt is old?
Yeah you might be right.
But I love it anyway.

Thank you.
I'm a nerd to.

How I look,
is up to me.
And right now I don't care.

Whether or not I fit in.
Doesn't matter,
as long as I'm me.

So say what you want.
Make fun of my hair, face, and style.
And while you do,
I'll stare into space.
Because I don't care what you have to say.
I'll live my life my way.
♠ ♠ ♠
For the nerds and those who get heat everyday. Life is yours and yours alone. Not caring how I look makes me even happier then eating ice cream.=)