"Like" is an Understatement

What are you doing?
Don't Speak,
I know what you’re doing,
Your lying to yourself,
You stupid, stupid girl,
you know you’re lying,
So just shut up,
Or at least tell him the truth,
"I Like You....Allot"
How Dumb,
"Like" doesn't mean anything
And your lying,
You don't like anyone,
The way you’re using "Like"
Is a simple,
No, a Major
For how you feel
Your being so dumb,
So incredibly stupid,
You know you don't "Like" anything,
You Know that word
is an Understatement
For how much you love that boy
So stop lying to yourself
And don't be so stupid,
You know the truth,
And so do I,
So just give up the fight,
Of trying to hide,
The way you feel,
Just stop,
This won't work,
Lying won't get you anywhere in life,
So just tell the poor boy the truth,
That you love him So, So much,
He might not feel the same way,
or maybe he does,
And he is lying to,
And he will be the one losing out,
The one who's voice in their head
will be telling them how stupid,
how incredibly stupid,
How unbelievably dumb,
for not saying,
"I Love You."
Because "Like"
Is an Understatement.