Keep on Dreaming

I dream of a world that may never be
I dream of a world that is so out of reach

I dream of a world where everyone is free.

A world with love instead of hate
A world where tears of sadness get wiped away
by the support of another
instead of brought on by someone

A world where people don't struggle with addictions
that rob them of their money and their families

I dream of a world where broken homes don't exist.

A world where divorces don't tear families apart
and a world free from abuse, both self-inflicted and otherwise

I dream of a world of peace,
where people believe in themselves
and don't feel pressured to conform to social norms
and see the good in life

I dream of a world that may never be
I dream of a world that is so out of reach

But sometimes change has to start with a dream

So I'll keep on a dreaming