you know?

bad dreams, late nights, no one to hold, or to be held by. forever the only number one out of the world. no one to be there to show random things that are so very proudly thought of, to someone that cares at least. whats left after the world ends? one sorrow filled cry of the last of the lonely. nothing left but to down the pills handed to you by the ones whom shout, speak, whisper that there is no need to have an "other person" in your life, yet they be hypocrites too. Whats left? The darkness swallowing you whole, take the pills you'll feel better, nothings wrong. such a happy thought to be the last one out of the world, your friends, your family. none thought to think what happens after a long amount of time of being alone, in your own head the thoughts of defaults repeat like the annoying songs of wanna be grown children. please of please tell my what happened? I really want to know. Do you know? I know. Let me tell you my dear lovely deary dolls, I must be quiet or the secret will be let out and the other lonely loveless likelessness persons might just go back into hiding. Shh, not too loud, yet not to quiet, the secret is...
the tainted waters of the innocent across the walls of the thinly built walls, meant to hold back the flood, the lifeless beat of the broken ruby. shh, you didn't hear it from me.
Do you believe me?
Then Tell me deary doll, what happens?