A Legacy Repeats Herself

This is the starting of the show
Pay attention because you must know.
My story
It's not the prettiest as you see.
The scars that ran down my veins
How could I live with so much pain?

The exposition, just a run down old house
The rising action a change to this timid mouse.
The climax, he is so sweet
The falling action we don't stop now, so press repeat.

My story, will never be boring
It will never be drab, it's luring.
This tale
Shows that you can never fail.
To do what you love
Forget the push and the shove.

The exposition, just a run down old house
The rising action a change to this timid mouse.
The climax, he is so sweet
The falling action we don't stop now, so press repeat.

The resolution to this story
It will never come, I'm still alive as you see.
The bullies, the knife
Ending my life
But I'm still here, a legacy
I stood up and fought, to keep my story.

The exposition, this stage
The rising action, free from a cage.
The climax my very first sweetie
The falling action, my story will never end
So what do you do press repeat.

I am the legacy
My story is forever you see
I am the legacy
You will never get rid of me

The exposition, this stage
The rising action, free from a cage.
The climax my very first sweetie
The falling action, my story will never end
So press repeat.