What Am I ? (1)

You travel through space
You swim the deepest oceans
And climb to the highest clouds
You only visit me at night
And I end at day break.
Flying horses. Neon colors.
Sometimes even blinding lights
You die, but your still alive
Your scared but you cant hide
You run but not fast enough
Try to escape and you'll see the consenquences
You might see your friends. Or lovers
You see impossible incidents
It is your creation as well as mine.

What am I ?
♠ ♠ ♠
SIDENOTE:: ((I had a past account//I think it was called FaGraceofDeath or TykaBlack or something..I had this poem along with another on that site...I decided to change my profile/ since I have forgotten my damned pass xD)) Apologies, and Forgive me ~