Barbie can kiss my ass

Today my little sister said something that really broke my heart. I wrote this for her.

Barbie is screwing the heads of children.
The message is to be fake and plastic.
Size negative 14 and you’re looking fantastic.
Where’s you scrapped knee?
The dirt on your shirt?
Where are the things that make you a child?

Your needs are ridiculous
Your ideas are ludicrous
To put these thoughts into a child's head,
“I’m not pretty, I’m too fat. I have to wear this or that.”

Seven years old and already learning the ways of society.
Soon you’ll be heaving over the toilet giving into it
And by ‘it’ I mean the bullshit the magazines give you
The lies the media feeds you.
Of the rights and wrongs of today’s standards.
The new it girl and the latest trend
They’re only telling you this because they’re your friend.

A friend won’t tell you to look a certain way.
Won’t give you ways to look thinner,
To look fitter.
A friend loves you just the way you are,
Big round cheeks and all.

So what if you have a belly?
You’re seven years old!
You shouldn't give a damn what you’re told!

Take a note from your older sister here,
Be yourself, love yourself, and be happy.
And next time you feel like that,
You can tell barbie to kiss my ass.