I Choose Sides

I choose sides.
It leads to less pain.

One party,
One side.
I give them foundation.

I hold them up
By quivering spine
To let them know
They are not a lone defense.

I play offense,
If they need it.
I let myself go down
With their ship,
If it sinks.

But if you, yourself,
Are a sinking sort of ship,
With no life boat,
Or life jacket,
Or life saver,
Do you sink alone?

You have an anchor,
Two or three,
That claim,
"I have your back."
"I promise."

But your back is not alone.
The other side
Is backed by them
As well.

So if you share a back
With the opposing side,
Are you backed at all?

So, you see,
I choose sides.