Isn't It So Tragic?

Relief from you,
Relief from you all,
I now smile at what you do,
Trying to make me fall?
It won't work,
I've gotten over you,
I've cleared the murk,
I no longer think of the blue.
You're efforts are empty,
Your voice, velvety and smooth,
It can no longer tempt me,
Just stand back and let me prove.
I am stronger now,
Now that I'm experienced in your game,
Just wait and let me wow.
You'll lose your reputation, your fame.
I've warned others of what you can do,
With that velvet, seductive voice,
Warning them they'll be stuck like glue.
But I warned them, it's their choice.
I've gained an edge,
One that'll get me to no longer think of you,
I'm staying at this spot, my ledge.
I know what you can do.
Your singing plays tricks,
Mind, heart, and soul,
But ha! You won't get your kicks!
You're a weasel- a mole!
I'm through with you!
You can't control me any longer!
There's nothing you can do!
This only makes me stronger!
You cannot make me stressed,
Your voice can't do it's magic,
I'm free, I can finally be at rest.
Such a shame to you, isn't it so tragic?