The Fly of Betrayal

Speak of the walls, sturdy, steady walls that
stand even after the inhabitants have fallen.
Bracing a home to remain firm on its foundations
with a familiar and warm paint job.

Hiss at the buzz, the persistent and annoying
sound that will not cease. For as long as it lives,
the noise is there, echoing around the sturdy,
steady walls that house a life.

Time flies; it flies as fast as the elusive beast that
invades a sanctuary best left undisturbed by the
plagues it brings with it. Eventually it is ignored;
the bug is not worth the time and thought.

The fly, the every present fly, leaves the sturdy,
steady wall one day. Left behind it black, a dark
mark on the wall, a disease. The wall is steady no
more; they crumble as once more the creature is triumphant.