Calling Out

I really like you,
no matter what I tell myself,
all this shit is killing me,
I don't know what the fuck is going on,
I can't think straight,
my mind won't let me,
I'm calling out for help,
but anyone who hears me has their own troubles,
as I try to help them,
I need to help myself,
I'm barely getting through,
I need somebody quick,
someone who can take me far away,
I want to go to sleep,
peacefully dream,
and never wake up,
I don't want to leave this place,
but I feel as if I must,
my strength is getting tired,
I'm ready to give up,
God, you fucking win,
I'm done,
make it stop,
is it over, ?
of fucking course it's not,
there's always more to come,
my heart beat's slowing down,
I'm so done with this shit,
I'm losing all control,
my head it spinning,
I need to breathe again,
I can't do this anymore,
I need to spill it out,
to let everyone know,
how my feelings are cutting,
deep into my soul,
everyone is breaking,
what the fuck,
what the fuck,
what the fuck,
I'm done with the pretendings,
I'm letting all it out,
fuck my fucking life,
blue binder,
it all means the same,
that's what life is for,
fuck being happy,
my tears can comfort me,
I can't,
I'm sorry,
and in another life,
it might just be this one,
this stupid, fucked up one,

go fucking die world,

I'm done with what you've thrown,

fuck Life hard.