In The Birches

The Boy (Wanderer) :
Striding through the boulevard of escapade
Where lights falls through the Birches’ shade
Rapt in thy aspiration
I find emptiness in elation….

Tired, I respite under the dimness
Oh! It’s harsh with this stress
But my thoughts never cease
Finding love is my appease….

The stillness of the trees
Brings a solitude to my mind
The coolness of the breeze
Burns me a lust to find…

And in morn one day
I saw you by the corner of my way
You were there,
A beauty, so pure
Your majestic warming stare
Made me fall in love with you for sure….

Your ocean blue eyes
And your mahogany hair
Entranced I gave sighs
Oh, maybe an end came to my despair

Your rosy white cheek
The virtues you conceal
As I stood by the sheer creek
Made me be in zeal…Oh! .......

I stood there bewildered
Watching you for every slightest second
Dreams in my psyche rendered
About you, my love maybe you will apprehend

The Girl(The Damsel):
……. Bewitched by the woodland
I strolled with serenity-my feet bare
The golden rays shielded me
In tenderness, when I caressed the grass
Nightingales –strayed from songs-slipped in reverie
To those angelic souls I emerged a nymph so rare

A bygone summer it had been. . . . .
When flowers had woven a tiara on my hair
And I first beheld you within my eyes so keen
Your presence had intrigued me like the rapturous air
But in witness to my credence, serene, the wilderness lay…
Void of sins; I was in adoration of the woods, akin to a Queen

A country damsel I was; no town lass
Yet “Grace”-thy called me; my Tenderness
You had thirsted for, as I caressed the grass!

Perched on my tree swing, sheltered by the leaves,
When your gaze struck me as that of a deep serene. . .
The rain and monsoon breeze -far away from the cliffs-
Had whispered, on your deepened courtship of me. . .
And you’d never know, O My Wanderer of the Ravine!
How your memoirs rendered in my heart an eclipse………….

And I trailed on, leaving her dreams behind
A goal, I had been enthralled, I went on to find
And the skies poured from when I left
Arrived, I, in winter, the creek was trounced by an empty cleft

The foliage was a sheer yellow; the Irises were still in bloom.
Throughout the autumn, I could only think but of you. . . . .
That the gurgling creek had once sung to me,
How my absence engulfed you in a heartbreaking gloom!
O Thy Wanderer! Your agony made me feel blue. . . . .
Yet the dread of sins kept me apart from the love of you

For a country damsel I was; no extravagant lass
And “Virtuous”-they called me, my Innocence
The woods had revered me for, as I caressed the grass!

O My Wanderer of the Ravine! But for you, I’ve cried
When the agony of winter grieved those trees. . .
The snow had shrouded the friendly Birch, now dried
Nightingales would soon fly away over the seas
In the white forest, looking for me, as you had endlessly sighed….
Yet I’d no more perch on the tree swing...
And your eyes would not meet mine in an entailing spree
Wanderer, never do you forget me, or the old gurgling creek
For in the deepest of your heart, Amour! Yours I’d always be…

The Boy (The Wanderer):
The birches were cold
A very grieving story the scene told
The woodland was silent, just as the dead
Snow buried now, the once pleasing flowerbed

I was shocked by seeing such a scene
The forest was dead white now, which was green
And I searched and searched
My hopes besmirched
Where was my love
My cupid dove

I could not find her radiance in that dead air
My hopes buried and my dreams in despair
Where had she left from her kingdom of Birches
Everything minus her is left ruined and in regress

My dreams, then, crashed dreadfully
Only hopelessness, what I could only see
My stride brought me to such a dire strait
Happiness and elation was a false bait
And stood by there, by that empty cleft
Tight-lipped, an effigy, I became deft……..