I knew that you didn’t care when we passed by his house….

When you looked and turned on the blinker and….

You didn’t make any noise You didn’t look at me or the house

We turned and my heart sank…

You didn’t stick up for me like you used to


When I need to talk to someone the most….
You don’t answer

I try not to let it hurt because it happens all the time now but…
Somehow Tonight I’m not strong enough

And I let it all go

I cry and I cut

I let you down to teach you a lesson
Why wont you look at me?!

I don’t know how to ask for help directly YOU of all people should know that!!!!

I come
I sit
I play

You’re my teacher and then you become a stranger till the day I start to become notice because you pick me up….

What happened to the person that I knew cared and I could talk to?


Your running away from me! Just like everyone else….everyone asks if I’m alright
Everyone that is except you…

I am not looking for attention so you can cross that one off….
I just want you

To know how I feel
To be able to hold me

You don’t even hold me anymore

What happened?
Did I become some contaminated piece of shit?

Where did you go?

I thought you cared

I guess I am again….wrong