Free Rider

I never thought a rider
Could ever need much more
Than the two wheels of his bike
On this ever thrilling coarse

Clad in his leathers
He rides wild and free
Having no set destination
Whatever happens shall be

Once I went a - riding
On a clear summers night
As I passed a hotel I saw
His harle and he

Off he was next morning
He was to ride till night
But that careless driver collected him
Taking away his life

It is a sobering thought
A riminder to take care
Cars are greater in number
But bikes are everywhere
♠ ♠ ♠
just wanted to say that if u drive a car please be careful for motorcycles. in a car u have a great amount of steal to protect you, on a motorcycle you have nothing but ur helment boots and leathers, and even they don't protect like the walls of a car