Pain Ebbs.

Pain ebbs.

Life moves on.

I held my hands open to you

And I watched your love slip between my fingers

Into your lap, strewn with silver coins.

My heart toppled from my sleeve and

Through my open hands,

Finally coming to break

On a stone floor of disillusionment.

I knew you lied to me,

I saw each lie fall from your lips, Judas,

And I knew that your kiss was only to betray.

But I never gave up on you.

So now take your reward

And smile with those traitorous lips,

And we will go our separate ways.

I still believe there is good left in you, traitor,

Even if that goodness is not for me,

I believe.

Pain ebbs.

Life moves on.

Time washes her hands of grief and anger.

Forgiveness is a slow coming project,

Rebuilding a wooden heart

After the flood has already come and gone.

But pain has taught me patience,

And with now steady hands

I rebuild.

Maybe one day, Judas, we will meet again--

Better now as strangers,

For we do not know each other at all--

And we might strike hands

Then again vanish along the roads

Of our separate paths,

For we both know

We will never intertwine again.

Pain ebbs.

Life moves on.

And the angel Time

Touches the hot coal to my lips

And I am released.
♠ ♠ ♠
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