No Easy Way Out.

I know there is no easy way out. Out. Free. I feel like a prisoner.
They think they know. They think they have a clue. Clue about what goes on in my head.
Only if they did i wouldn't be here.
They pretend they can see how your feeling by the way you look at them.
Who do they think they are?
In my mind they are simply nothing.
I just want to wrap my hands around their throats untill i feel no pulse.
I'll just smile and feel nothing as they lay there and die.
All these odd feelings make feel ill. Sick. Pissed.
If this is love. I dont wanna be loved.
They say they care. Caring? What the fuck?
They must have it all wrong. Wrong. This really cant be right!?
Or can it all be true? Something i cant handle.