Where I Am From

I am from past years,
Falling down and getting back up
Scabbed knees which are now scars.
I am from Mac and Cheese
Eating it weeks and weeks on end.
I am from dance Recitals
Make-up and too-toos,
bright red lip stick, rosy cheeks,
and eyes caked with eyeliner and mascara.

I am from summer nights,
The flickering bonfire and
the smell of sweet marshmallows roasting over the fire.
The summer nights playing “hide-n-go-seek in the dark with neighbors.

I am from my Grandpa’s Model A,
Sitting in the “rumble seat” with the wind in my face
On our way to Collin’s Creamery.

I am from fall memories
Walking in acres of trees finding the reddest apples
The pumpkin patches filled with orange.

I am from hospitals…
The constant beeping of machines.
Elevators constantly going up and down.
The flashing of the ambulance lights,
Not knowing if you’ll ever see the person again…

I am from tears,
Tears of happy and tears of sad.
Running up the stairs and locking myself in my room..
Sitting there just to stare at the ceiling.
Never knowing if it will get any better.

I am from Music.
The music that tells stories.
The music that’s happy, sad, love songs, breakups and everything in between.
Music is what makes lives.

Life is like songs.
Some are fast and some are slow,
No matter what part your at in the song,
another verse is coming up.
Just like in life the next part of your life is just around the corner.