
Your words pierced through me like a knife.
I didn't know it was so easy for you to hurt me.
You showed a side of you I never knew you had in you.
You said it'll never be the same.
You said you weren't okay with what happened.
But you let it happen, you liked it.
The pain I feel is greater than anything you've ever done to me.
How did things change so fast?
Why did they change?
You leave these questions unanswered.
The only answers I have are the ones you said so coldly.
Where is the warmth that I felt when I fell in love?
It's so long gone, but only buried inside of you.
I wish I could bring it back out, but it's gone.
My second worst fear is coming true.
I never thought this is what it'd come down to.
You were always the one who swore you'd never hurt me.
And I was always the stupid naive girl that believed you.