Don't Touch Me

Don’t touch me.
In all honestly, you are annoying me.
Your voice,
Your idiocy,
Is grating on my last nerve.

Don’t touch me.
Stop being so close,
I don’t want to be,
You make me always on my toes.
Need I repeat what you know again?

Don’t touch me.
Your hands try to hold me,
Keep them to yourself,
As I try to shift away obviously,
Stop asking stupid questions.

Don’t touch me.
I don’t know if I can be your friend,
I honestly want to scream,
As I don’t think this is a relationship that can mend,
I can’t be that kind of friend.

Don’t touch me.
I’m not the person you thought I was,
I won’t say this to your face,
I don’t do the things a good friend does,
This problem lies within me.

Don’t touch me.
Keep your face out of my neck,
And step out of the imaginary,
But those are the things that I wreck,
I’m sorry.

Please, don’t touch me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry, you'll never see this, but I'm sorry.