Afraid of the Dark

So afraid of an unknown world,
Not knowing what to think,
Afraid of the dark because you fear,
Inside it you might sink.
Afraid of what is lurking there,
Inside the shadows winding,
Waiting for something to gobble you up,
But that isn’t what you’re finding.
What you see is so much worse,
Cause it’s just you and yourself,
Inside that darkened room you sit,
And stare beneath the shelf.
Inside the dark you’re trapped alone,
With no one but you to fear,
You face your own insanity,
Asking “what is here?”
You’re so afraid of what is hiding,
Just beyond your reach,
It seems just like the azure sea,
Where you won’t go in too deep.
But you don’t know what you lose inside,
When you’re too afraid to move,
Because something beautiful may reside,
In the darkness of your room.