The Fallen Sword

The town of which a boy was born
Turned on him for his fathers dishonorable deed
The peoples hearts were black as the night sky
Cursed and tortured him, he was the apples seed

Left the child on the cold, rocky ground
Didn't care about his age, they left him there to die
The alone soul of the injured boy lay in a pool of blood
Until a mysterious figure swept him up like a reckless fox, so quick and sly

He's cautious now and is awaken by a masked man covered in black
Who stands about 6'3 and is stumbling walking across the freezing cave
"Why did you bring me here? Is this your home? Your hideout? Your layer?"
The only thing he said to me was "It's better than being in the grave"

Months pass and he doesn't say a word, he's recovered now
He's always fencing and practicing battling with his sword
He tells the boy "I kill to avenge my family and friends
They get what they deserve in the name of my lord"

The boy freezes, "Am I to be killed next?
I've been tortured enough, the past days were days of sadness"
"That's why I came back for you so please don't fear
I ask for your helping hand as my apprentice"

Tortured, beaten and left to die as a child who didn't deserve it
The troubled child stares at the masked man and says
"I'm doing this for the same reasons as you
To avenge myself, my family, my friends"

Years pass as the two men train, the teen is taught what his master knows
"For tomorrow is your 18th birthday is it not? The perfect time to descend"
The boy stares down for a while, the masked man asks," You ready to do this?"
He sees the eyes of a vicious warrior, the eyes of a hurt friend

They return to the town and within an hour buildings are crumbling down
Men and women being attacked by the two men covered in black
Heads are rolling as they laugh and chuckle, this brings cheer to the monsters
"Why are you doing this?, asks a stranger, "Why is this town apart of your wrath?"

"Death fears me and I love it, about a decade ago this town tortured me
The hatred never left my heart, I dreamed about avenging myself"
"I tortured you?", asked the stranger, "You all tortured me
And now we will torture you, my masked father and I, so don't try to flee
No one in this town gets sympathy"