You Needed Me

I’ve always called you my best friend,
Without a second thought,
I have never questioned it,
Even when we fought.
I loved you like a sister,
Your home was my home too,
We spent so much time together,
Even as we grew.
But there’s a darker side to everything,
You’re my friend, it is the truth,
But you certainly don’t know me,
As well as I know you.
I know that you have needed me,
And cried into my shirt,
But I’ve waited for your wings to spread,
So you can run away from hurt.
I’ve always been your confidante,
My problems I don’t say,
Because it feels like I’m your mother,
Who says “everything’s okay.”
But now I’m looking at your back,
As you finally break free,
Because you’re walking your own path,
No longer needing me.