Oh so you want to be anorexic?

Well, in that case, let me help you out.
First off, you can't eat. Ever. You must starve until your dying day.
Oh and no water either. Water is bad.
Everything is bad.
By day two you might be tempted to binge and you might disappoint ana.
In fact she will make you feel like absolute shit.
She will whisper in your ear and say...
"dont eat, dont eat, dont eat...."
And it will drive you insane.
You dont belive me? Do you think ana will be your friend?
Well ill tell you a a secret.
Ana only has one friend.
The devil.
They are partners in crime.
The crime of killing inoccent girls.
That is Ana's favorite thing to do actually.
You still dont belive me? let me enlighten you with some of Ana's passtimes.
First off. She likes headaches. Not little ones that pills can fix. Migrains that no amount of anything can fix.
Oh and she also really likes sleeping. She passes out way too often. She has a hard time getting up in the morning. Some days its impossible
She doesnt like any number higher than zero.
Any number higher than zero and you have failed.
She cant think straight. She is failing all her classes. and her hair is falling out.
But she thinks she is beautiful.
She is going to the bald look.
Her idol is her own skeleton.
If she cant see her bones then she has failed.
As you can guess by now she really enjoys causing pain for herself.
Unfortunately once you befriend Ana she traps you in her dungeon and you can't ever escape.
Even if someone comes and breaks the bars open.
There are guards everywhere.
Once your in...no army can set you free
So....you still want to be anorexic huh?
Well darling. I am quiet sorry to hear that.
I hope you have a wonderful time in the pits of Ana's burning dungeon
♠ ♠ ♠
I truly hope no one takes offense to this. There are just so many girls who "want to be anorexic" which angers me quiet alot because it is a horrible horrible disese and they really just have no idea...