Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes
and look at your life,
Still wanna end it
with a gun or a knife,
You think its so bad
and nobody can see,
All the pain and torture
its doing to me,
But open your eyes
and look at your life,
Is this all worth
a sacrafice,
Yes you'll argue
yell and scream,
But at the time
it's just a dream,
You lost hope when
you lost them,
But you will be
together again,
Your life is so precious
just like a jewel,
Until the day
you brake the rules,
You slit and cut
and break some skin,
But you cant let
the devil win,
So open you eyes
and look at your life,
Its not that bad
dont pay the price,
And take the life
that was simply scared,
Having the feeling
that no one cared,
But i hope you know
im here for you,
When your scared,
lost or dont know what to do,
To call when you need
some kindly advice,
Or a voice to help
get you through the night,
So next time you think
your in a curse,
Open your eyes
someones got it worse,
But will they sit
around and mope,
Bitching and whinning
on life they choke,
Not they wont
cause they know it wont help,
They'll go on and smile
and deal as they've delt,
So open your eyes
and look at your life,
Its not too bad
but its still life!