
Icy rain drips from my finger tips
I look up into the grey sky and blink when ever a rain drop hits my face
I take my rain jacket off exposing my dry cotton shirt underneath
I let the drops drench me as I begin to smile
Letting myself run out into the rain, I can feel my body rack with shivers
Mud drenched pant legs and drenched falling hair is my ever after happiness

I do not know why the rain holds such power
But when ever it comes I try my hardest to enjoy it
If I am sad, the rain does not make me feel worse, it soothes me
The rain washes away all the bad that has come from the day
The rain helps us fix our old mistakes

Allowing myself to lay upon the soaked grass bed
I stretch my arms
I feel the rain
I feel its essence
And I feel all the power come to a beginning

I am happy now
No nightmares or tears
No cruelty or death
The land I live in now, is the land I hold for ever