Until We Meet Again

My star shined oh so bright in the sky
My star never failed to make me smile
My star seemed to have it made
But inside my star was a slowly dying flame

I kept telling my star how much it meant me
And how without it, I'd be lost in the dark
With nothing but anger and a broken heart
My star never realized how much light it brought
And one day my star just completely forgot...

My star that once shined oh so bright in the sky
Fell last night.
Now I'm lost in this unfair, dark, scary place
What I'd do to see his face...

My darling shooting star,
I miss you so
Without you, I'm confused and don't know where to go

Darling star of mine
I know this darkness is temporary
I know I'll be fine
Because your light shines forever inside
This aching heart of mine

You were my star, you were my best friend
And a part of me died too when I found out you called it quits.
This silence is much, much, too loud
And I'll never figure it out.
Rest peacefully on a cloud, darling star of mine
Until we meet again