Sun Downs...

These dark nights.
Like a vampire in lust for blood.
Somber nights of fear.
I enter homes from locked doors and broken windows.
From the shade, where I await during the day.
When the sun falls,
I'll return again with sharp metal that glistens off the streetlights.
The glistening blinds you before you bleed.
During the cool of night, I look for my prey.
Whoever is brave enough to walk the streets this late at night.
The sharp baiser of my blade is so deadly.
In darkness you fall to your knees.
Another sharp kiss from my blade,
Across the neck, you peacefully bleed.
After the night has had enough killing,
The sun attempts to rise.
The dark of night presses it down, but slowly it still rises.
When it gets too bright, I run and find shade.
And hides until dark falls again.