Sorry, I Can't

I was thinking about many thing ... But I'm sorry , I'm nothing without my wings.

I'm in love with my sisters who are so sweets...Who never keeps there love discreets.

I will never ever forget...When you came to my life and made it bright like sunset.

I still remember all what we had...All the good times and all the bad.

Even if there isn't any bad with you...But we were sharing every single moment and every thing we do.

I don't wanna ever look behind at the work I've done...Because I wanna say works has just begun.

I wont tell you that I'm care...I won't tell you how much I wanted you there...

I got a blank mind for a second , and have nothing to hide...When I confessed my self this isn't right.

When I was young my dream was just make one friend...and now when I got them, I will never let my dream end.

The key to my heart is hard to find .... Because it's not a normal key it's working by my mind .

I'm really bad , cause she never deserve this ... really bad for telling her and be so selfish .

This darkness won't take me a way from you ... Because this love inside is so true .

I won't let the monster inside take me ... I'll find a way , I'm gonna be free .

This isn't me ...This isn't who I want to be .

I want you to believe , this is the truth ... I can't change it , my love for you .

I got just one thing which I can say to you ... And you are already know it from my promises to you .

This love won't never ever die ... Because we seem to stay always try.

I was thinking to my self , What I will gain ?... What will I gain from this , more trouble and more pain ?

I don't wanna ask my self why ? ...cause there isn't any answer and I can leave it some how ...

sun - 25-Dec-2011 3:30 A.m