Like snow.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Even without snow
Other things fall from the sky
Equally light and white.

Watch for a while as,
Just this moment,
Something warm hums
Against the breast of each mother,
Father, brother daughter, lover, friend,
Melting away the loneliness that
Fills each of our hearts with bitterness.

This moment cannot last,
But it can be treasured, each
Moment like it a glimpse of starlight in a
Cloudy blackened sky.

Maybe the peppermint mocha will
Take away some of the sour on our tongues,
Maybe those distant bells will
Dampen the screaming in our ears,
Maybe the blinding Christmas lights will
Dull the hatred in our eyes,
Maybe the touch of those close to us will
Hide the pain of scars.

This moment cannot last;
This we know, but we can treasure what we have.
We touch it to our lips
With a rare and radiant smile.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Even without snow
Other things fall from the sky
Equally light and white.
♠ ♠ ♠
As always, feel free to critique, comment, edit, or praise!