I Still Remember

Day after day, night after night

I lie awake remembering how everything used to be.

I think about the friends I’ve lost along the way

and about all the times I’ve laughed until I cried.

I miss those endless summer days at Grandma’s house

or waking up early to go fishing with Grandpa.

The Fourth of July’s with a sparkler in hand,

covering my ears as the fireworks go off down the street.

I long for those Christmas Eves with my family gathered around,

Burning old wrapping paper in the fireplace.

Singing endless carols with my dad and uncle on the guitar

while I open a Christmas Eve gift.

I remember our family vacations to Tahoe and Oregon,

a caravan of Toyotas on the freeway.

Running free on the golf range and swimming during a thunderstorm,

kayaking in the frozen lake, and whispering stories at three in the morning.

Day after day, night after night

I lie awake remembering how everything used to be.

Barbeques in the summer, fires in the winter…

as I change with the seasons.